How to Write a Blog in 2023

how to write a blog in 2022 by shagufta rahman

Blogging & 2022

Unfortunately, another variant of Covid 19 - Omicron has hit the world badly again. Lockdowns and remote working are again started. This is the time to use your creative abilities and the best way is to start a blog.

Wait, wait, please, what is blogging?

What is Blogging?

Simply start writing, when you have transferred your thoughts into words with a lovely heading, it is called a blog. This piece of writing is ready to publish. Now make a website with an attractive domain name, buy a hosting plan and publish your piece of writing. It is your first blog and your first blogging website. The most interesting thing is that after some time you can also earn your first dollar from it.

Interesting Facts of Blogging

  • 409 million people view blog every month
  • 434 percent increase in indexed pages more indexed pages
  •  93 percent increase in indexed links.
  • 8.2 billion blog posts uploaded every month
  • Over 600 million blogs in the world today
  •  1.9 billion websites all over the web
  • 3 billion blog posts are published each year worldwide
  •  8.28 million blog posts published per day
  • 5,750 million blog posts published each minute (2022, Internet Live Stats)
  •  Over 31 million active bloggers posting at least once per month in the United States
  • About 70 million new blog posts are published each month on WordPress (2022, WordPress)
  • Along with about 77 million new comments. (2022, WordPress)
  • 409 million people view over 20 billion pages on sites. (2022, WordPress)

Ready for Blogging

These states have surely motivated you to start your own blog. Go, navigate your niche and start writing. If you need my help then leave a message in the comment box.

How to write a blog in 2022

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